
Case Study

CASE STUDY | UCDH Parking Structures IV, 5 & 6

University of California Davis Health (UCDH) is undergoing a major transformation to its Sacramento campus. By 2030, the campus will double in size, from 3.6 million square feet of building space to over 7 million square feet. Prior to construction, demand for parking at UCDH was already exceeding capacity. As the university adapts to a growing patient population and gains national recognition for its programs, it’s expected that demand will only continue to surge in coming years. To keep up with this massive growth, the university prioritized the construction of three parking structures.

You'll Learn:

  • Why the University chose prefabrication for 3 on campus parking structures.
  • How the  achieved its priorities and goals.
  • How prefabrication delivered 3 garages with 3 distinct solutions.