
Broadway Plaza Parking Garage C&D

Northern California

The master plan of the Broadway Plaza Parking Garages included demolishing and rebuilding two parking garages on South Broadway in Walnut Creek, CA. Demolition of the first of two garages began in early January 2014, followed by four months of precast concrete erection that ensured on-time occupancy of the parking structure just prior to the 2014 Holiday shopping season. The second parking structure followed suit, and was demolished in early 2015, followed by precast erection in early spring and occupancy in late November of 2015. Both structures delivered a combined 2,480 stalls and provided expanded parking with better traffic access. The project includes 4,500 CY of concrete in 1800 pieces of Columns, Spandrels and Hybrid Moment Frames. Exterior facing finishes include medium sandblast architectural precast with form liner and brick panels as well.


Facts and Figures

State: CA

City: Walnut Creek

Building Type: Parking Structure

Square Feet: 775,000

Year Completed: 2015

Job Number: 6052




General Contractor

Structural Engineer



Through collaborative design, advanced manufacturing and efficient construction, we transform the way buildings are delivered. Our people are paving the way for prefabrication as a smarter, safer and more efficient way to bring great designs to life, while reducing risk and providing owners with cost, schedule and scope certainty.

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