
San Diego International Airport ConRAC Parking Structure

San Diego

Architectural precast provides important expression for one the most high profile structures to be added to the San Diego skyline in many years. The new consolidated rental car center at the San Diego International Airport is a massive four story, two million SF CIP parking structure that houses 14 rental car companies and includes a customer service building, a quick-turn-around car prep facility, and a 5,000-car ready/return area. This project is the first major component of the airport鈥檚 long-range plan to modernize its facilities and reduce airport traffic congestion.

多多视频 was contracted to provide approximately 210,000SF of high-quality white architectural precast concrete to clad the ConRac facility. Architectural precast highlights include panel profiles with triangular cross-sectional shapes used to clad the CIP structure, while helix spandrels offer a triangular 鈥渢wist鈥 built into the profile in order to follow the car ramp as it climbs floor to floor.

The new facility is intended to achieve LEED Silver certification. It will help improve local air quality by removing multiple shuttle vans from the streets and will greatly simplify the trip to and from a single, centralized rental car facility for passengers.


Facts and Figures

State: CA

City: San Diego

Building Type: Architectural Precast

Square Feet: 212,000

Year Completed: 2016

Job Number: 543




General Contractor

Structural Engineer



Through collaborative design, advanced manufacturing and efficient construction, we transform the way buildings are delivered. Our people are paving the way for prefabrication as a smarter, safer and more efficient way to bring great designs to life, while reducing risk and providing owners with cost, schedule and scope certainty.

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